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2023 EnergyTech University Prize Business Plan Competition Sponsored by the Dept. of Energy - $370,000 in prizes

January 1, 2023

2023 EnergyTech University Prize
Business Plan Competition
Sponsored by the Dept. of Energy - $370,000 in prizes

Texas Regional Explore Event hosted by Rice Alliance on Wednesday, February 15

Sponsored by the US Dept. of Energy (DOE), the EnergyTech UP is a collegiate competition challenging multidisciplinary student teams to develop and present a business plan that leverages DOE national laboratory-developed and other high-potential energy technologies or other technologies of interest to student competitors. Prizes will be awarded to teams that successfully identify an energy technology, assess its market potential, and propose a strategy for commercialization.

Learn more at the Informational Webinar, December 6 at 3:00 PM ET: register here

Rice University is hosting one of 15 virtual regional competitions to determine which teams advance to the live final event. At the Texas Regional event, twelve invited teams will present their plan to a panel of judges at a virtual event, and one team will win a $3,000 cash prize and advance to the Finals in Austin, Texas in March. And there are two other chances to win cash prizes at the regional competitions!

Any student team can apply, and you can choose the regional competition that best fits your location.

Applications due January 26, 2023

Full details are on the EnergyTech UP page of our website on the event website.

Register and Apply here by January 26, 2023


Teams comprised of university or college students

At least two students on the team

Create a business plan based on a national lab technology or technology from your university

Please see the official rules for full details.

How to Apply:

Log on to the competition website at -> EnergyTechUP

Set up your team profile by clicking "Solve This Challenge"

Read the official rules to confirm your are eligible

Click "Begin Entry" from the event homepage to fill out application (and click "Save and Preview" to save your work)

Submit your application (questionnaire, 200-word statement and business plan) by Jan. 26

Important Dates:

December 6, 2022 - Informational Webinar (register here)

January 26, 2023 - Application Deadline

February 9, 2023 - List of competing teams announced

February 15, 2023 - Texas Regional Virtual Competition (virtual)

April 3, 2023 - National Finals Live in Austin, Texas

Watch the first informational webinar, check the FAQ page, and register for the upcoming virtual info session.