The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Lab is a faculty-driven initiative assisting with the innovation and entrepreneurship teaching, service and extension mission of the university. The lab operates under the auspices of the Institute for Research in Innovation, Sustainability and Entrepreneurship (UCMiRISE), the mother institution facilitating the research component related to innovation and entrepreneurship.
Click here for the members list. Actvities planned for this year include workshop presentations by affiliated faculty during Innovation and Entrepreneurship Symposium, an annual event organized by faculty and students.
If you are a UC Merced faculty or student or a member of the local business community in need of help with innovation and entrepreneurship issues, please fill up the contact form and explain the issue you are facing in detail. Your email will be directed to the appropriare faculty member(s) with expertise related to your question. We will respond to you as soon as possible and, if needed, set up a meeting with you.
* We are thankful to The Enterprise Holdings Foundation (Enterprise-Rent-A-Car) for supporting the activities of the lab.